[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Health and beauty in a cup, so to speak anyway. Cupping therapy is growing in popularity. It’s all thanks in part to athletes and celebrities. But, how affective is the treatment for those dealing with pain management and those simply wanting to look a bit younger? Although Cupping Therapy is in the spotlight now days, this alternative form of medicine has actually be around for centuries. ABC6 spoke with clients and experts to get a bit of insight into what it’s all about. Recently in vogue, the practice of cupping dates back hundreds of years. From ancient Egypt and Greece, to the Chinese culture which is most closely associated with cupping. “I do a lot of people with scar tissue. I’ve had people come in with lower back pain, kinks in the neck,” said Christina Frey, owner of Touch of Therapy Massage. Be it athletes or stay at home moms, Frey has a diverse clientele. The owner of Touch of Therapy Massage told ABC6 that the popularity of this method continues to grow. Between the body messages and facial cupping, Frey told ABC6 that people are really starting to see the potential benefits. “It’s actually cleansing your face out. Pulling out impurities. I’ve seen old makeup come out., so it’s cleaning the pores as well,” said Frey. During the process, suction cups are placed directly on the skin to promote circulation and relieve muscle tension. “I describe it as an inverted message. So instead of me pressing down on the deep tissue or gently moving lymphatics it lifts everything to the surface,” said Frey. When it comes to facial cupping, therapists even claim it helps with sinus congestion and headaches. The beauty claims include reducing puffiness, softening those fine lines and wrinkles just to name a few. “You notice the difference. It seems like the massage lasted longer and she was able to get in deeper to release the muscle tensions and everything,” said client Paula Ferguson. You can count Ferguson a believer. She has received a number of treatments. She told ABC6 that the treatments have improved her overall health. “The skin is firmer, the lymphatic message helps to reduce the toxins and you actually feel like you have a little more energy,” said Ferguson. Modern cupping therapy doesn’t come without a bit of criticism. Some medical experts have described it as simply a celebrity fad and junk science and indicate there’s no real evidence of the effectiveness of the therapy. However, many of those clients who have used it disagree. The therapy is typically safe when it’s done by a trained professional. But, if it is not there is the potential for serious bruising. So the experts warn, if you plan to use this therapy, do your research and make sure you are going to a trained therapist.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]