Getting To Know What The Gua Sha Massage Is
Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years and as a result of all those years of practice, has blossomed into becoming a technique that has continued to develop with continuing practice. Naturally, some
massage techniques are more popular than others, but that isn’t to say that one technique is better than another. After all, massage therapy techniques exist as a result of a patients needs.
The Swedish massage, and the Thai massage are probably at the top of the list of popular massage therapy, but have you heard of the Gua Sha massage? The likelihood is pretty low that you’ve heard of it, most people haven’t, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It would be rather absurd to expect anyone to be familiar with all the different types of massage therapy.
Gua Sha is an old massage technique, it is from ancient times and is known for having a unique way to natural healing and can quite possibly counter the negative effects that are tackled today by everyday people. Let’s learn more about the Gua Sha massage by reading more pieces of information found below.
What On Earth Is The Gua Sha Massage?
Gua Sha literally means “to scrape away fever”. Having come from China’s Ming Dynasty, this 700 year old massage therapy practice has only gained some popularity in the last few decades. It has long been practiced in the region of Eastern Asia, but remains new around the Western world.
Gua is the Chinese word for rub while Sha is the word that the Chinese use to describe when a person carries the energy that brings it excess heat. We know this quite frankly as a fever.
Naturally, 700 years ago, the Gua Sha was more of a spiritual practice that followed the belief that it was only through a pattern of movements and tools that a therapist would be able to clear a person’s blocked energy that brought about the fever. These days are quite different, for one thing, it is less spiritual and has grown to being a little bit more scientific. Today’s practice still follows the same general idea, although it is more often referred to now as heat and inflammation as opposed to how it used to be addressed as negative energy.
How Does One Practice the Gua Sha Massage?
Like most massage therapy techniques, it is in their unique ways of applying pressure or stroking the skin or stretching the limbs that differentiate them from other types of techniques. In the same way, the Gua Sha massage then also has its techniques that make it a different experience.
But what makes the Gua Sha massage truly stand out, is that it is performed with a tool as opposed to a person bare hands, like what most other types of massage therapy offer. The tool used is a hard object with smooth and round edges that is used to press up against the skin of a patient.
It used to be that massage therapists would use other items such as a coin, but years of development has helped pattern this tool and made it a common tool used in all Gua Sha massages today.
When used on a person’s skin,
oil must first be applied to the area where there is discomfort or pain, and then, at an angle of 45 degrees, a combination of strokes must be applied to the skin. The idea behind this technique is that it brings the heat of your body towards the surface of your skin therefore removing it from the patient’s body.
This practice is typically applied to a patient’s back and neck, arms and legs, and sometimes even the face and chest.
The Best Uses Of The Gua Sha Massage
The Gua Sha massage is best used in order to increase a person’s blood flow around their body. The reduction of inflammation is another typical effect of the Gua Sha massage, while a boost in the immune system seems to always also be a positive effect. Other conditions that are believed to be treated by the Gua Sha massage include treating the common cold plus sorting out the bodies everyday aches and discomforts around the body.
The Gua Sha Massage Benefits
We have already discussed some of the benefits of the Gua Sha massage, but it might be best to get into it a little bit more. These benefits will help you decide if this ancient Chinese massage therapy technique is the right massage for you.
An immune system stimulated by the Gua Sha massage – The techniques used in the Gua Sha massage seem to activate a person’s immune system. With a
boosted immune system, your body will be able to better heal itself from injuries and the likes. You will be able to fight off illnesses that you may have while keeping other illnesses out of your body.
Pain will no longer be so bad –
Chronic and acute pain can be greatly reduced by the Gua Sha massage. Because it is a natural anti-inflammatory, it can center on the areas around your body that have pain in order to reduce the inflammation making the pain go away.
Let your blood flow circulate smoothly – With Gua Sha, it’s not actually just the blood that starts to flow smoothly, it is with various fluids inside that body that are affected. All positively of course! With better circulation also comes better ability to remove metabolic waste from the body therefore freeing our muscles from unwanted congestion.
Defy the aging process – The Gua Sha massage has a version that is applied in a more gentle manner and is focused on the face that makes your lines smoother and can reduce wrinkles. The massage will also tighten your skin and smoothen out the areas around your eyes. Not a bad way to reverse the aging effects on your face!
Is The Gua Sha Massage Therapy Safe For You?
This is a very important question and it cannot be ignored. Though receiving a massage is generally safe for more people, there are still a few concerns that exist in order to be 100% sure that it is safe for you. So before booking a one hour Gua Sha massage at a nearby spa, please do speak to your doctor or a medical professional. Some tell tale signs that you might not be ready for a Gua Sha massage would include if you had recently had surgery. Gua Sha massage is also not for people who are taking blood thinners or tend to easily develop blood clots. Medical implants like pacemaker’s are also something to watch out for when getting a Gua Sha massage, and finally, patients with open wounds or infections should not be availing of the Gua Sha massage…yet.
Conclusion: It Can Be Safe, and It is Certainly Good For You
If you like the benefits that a Gua Sha massage can offer, the best first step to take is to speak to your doctor or a medical professional, just to be sure. It is also so worth it because once in the clear, you can now experience the amazing benefits of a properly performed
Gua Sha massage. The quality of your life will improve and a number of issues in your mind and body will be elevated in order to give you less problems.
As for clients who do not necessarily have illnesses, you too can still enjoy the effects of the Gua Sha massage as it also helps you relax as well as settle your body and mind.
05.11.2022 By adminasianmassagestores
05.11.2022 By adminasianmassagestores
03.21.2022 By Makarenko_Roman
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